Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What your contributions are doing. December 8, 2010

After learning how coffee is made and the different kinds of coffee /coffee beans that are made, student are ready to make a trip to the coffee house and use their what they have learned to make an order in English!                                                                                                                                                                 Much to our amusment, the stuendts never used any of their Chinese while in the coffee shop and we observed that the employees were very confused by this and continued to ask them (the students) to please speak Chinese, no way! :D

"Yay, we get to use our English and not in the classroom !"

Benedict (nicknamed 'Crazy) Is excited after ordering his drink!

Other students line up to place an order. Using your second language in the real world outside to the classroom can be difficult and a nervous experience, but it allows them to get their feet wet.

 Dec 1, 2010 WiglyWorm Studios creative workshop class:

Today the children learn how to make a T-shirt from stencil design!

The first 12 photos are of the final parts of the process to creating a T-shirt design from stencil. The design to be put on the shirt was part of a class learning activity and the winning design (the winning design was chosen as a whole by the class room out of the three individual designs teams of students)

 The children of the class get to have their hand in the production of a stencil design on to a T-Shirt. There are many steps in the process and the students all have a chance to be involved in each step of the process!

(To the right and below)
Three teams compete to produce a winning design to be finalized onto a stencil design!

(Right side bellow)

Students learn about the process of deciding which design should be the winning one ! It's a great opportunity to teach students the skills of open communication and decision making involving group discussion.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Show your support for teaching, get your shirt today !

What better way to say you love what you do ? Show your support by purchasing a fantastic shirt to show your spirit! A choice of white or black shirts; with sizes Small, Medium, Large, XL and XXL available.

Each Shirt is designed by Narciso Palma and made by hand. For each shirt you purchase, a portion of the money is used as a donation to support schools in Taiwan, by purchasing supplies which allow children to pursue creative their freedom.

You can also get to see where your donations and contributions are going to subscribing to this blog; truly being part of a better cause.

T-Shirts for sale now for 550 nt each, and 450 nt each when you buy two or more!

To place and order, please contact:

Narciso Palma via email

Have a fantastic day!

Welcome to "I Love Teaching TW" Blogspot !

For updates on all of our apparel, you can follow us on to keep posted ! Thanks , and continue to love what you do!