"Yay, we get to use our English and not in the classroom !" |
Benedict (nicknamed 'Crazy) Is excited after ordering his drink! |
Other students line up to place an order. Using your second language in the real world outside to the classroom can be difficult and a nervous experience, but it allows them to get their feet wet. |
Dec 1, 2010 WiglyWorm Studios creative workshop class:
Today the children learn how to make a T-shirt from stencil design!
The first 12 photos are of the final parts of the process to creating a T-shirt design from stencil. The design to be put on the shirt was part of a class learning activity and the winning design (the winning design was chosen as a whole by the class room out of the three individual designs teams of students)
The children of the class get to have their hand in the production of a stencil design on to a T-Shirt. There are many steps in the process and the students all have a chance to be involved in each step of the process!
(To the right and below)
Three teams compete to produce a winning design to be finalized onto a stencil design!
(Right side bellow)
Students learn about the process of deciding which design should be the winning one ! It's a great opportunity to teach students the skills of open communication and decision making involving group discussion.